Database_Exception [ 2 ]
sql_connect(): User admin_2gis already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connectio

MODPATH/profilertoolbar/classes/Kohana/Database/MySQL.php [ 67 ]

62 		catch (Exception $e)63 		{64 			// No connection exists65 			$this->_connection = NULL;66  67 			throw new Database_Exception(':error',68 				array(':error' => $e->getMessage()),69 				$e->getCode());70 		}71  72 		// \xFF is a better delimiter, but the PHP driver uses underscore73  
  1. MODPATH/profilertoolbar/classes/Kohana/Database/MySQL.php [ 171 ] » Kohana_Database_MySQL->connect ( )

    166 	}167  168 	public function query($type, $sql, $as_object = FALSE, array $params = NULL)169 	{170 		// Make sure the database is connected171 		$this->_connection or $this->connect();172  173 		if ( ! empty($this->_config['profiling']) && stripos($sql,'explain') !== 0)174 		{175 			// Benchmark this query for the current instance176 			$benchmark = Profiler::start("Database ({$this->_instance})", $sql);177  
  2. MODPATH/profilertoolbar/classes/Kohana/Database/MySQL.php [ 392 ] » Kohana_Database_MySQL->query ( arguments )

    0 1
    1 SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `classifieds`
    2 false
    387 			$result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table.' LIKE '.$this->quote($like), FALSE);388 		}389 		else390 		{391 			// Find all column names392 			$result = $this->query(Database::SELECT, 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM '.$table, FALSE);393 		}394  395 		$count = 0;396 		$columns = array();397 		foreach ($result as $row)398  
  3. MODPATH/orm/classes/Kohana/ORM.php [ 1665 ] » Kohana_Database_MySQL->list_columns ( arguments )

    0 classifieds
    1660 	 * @return array1661 	 */1662 	public function list_columns()1663 	{1664 		// Proxy to database1665 		return $this->_db->list_columns($this->_table_name);1666 	}1667  1668 	/**1669 	 * Returns an ORM model for the given one-one related alias1670 	 *1671  1672 
  4. MODPATH/orm/classes/Kohana/ORM.php [ 441 ] » Kohana_ORM->list_columns ( )

    436 				$this->_table_columns = ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name];437 			}438 			else439 			{440 				// Grab column information from database441 				$this->_table_columns = $this->list_columns();442  443 				// Load column cache444 				ORM::$_column_cache[$this->_object_name] = $this->_table_columns;445 			}446 		}447  
  5. MODPATH/orm/classes/Kohana/ORM.php [ 386 ] » Kohana_ORM->reload_columns ( )

    381 		{382 			$this->{$property} = $value;383 		}384  385 		// Load column information386 		$this->reload_columns();387  388 		// Clear initial model state389 		$this->clear();390 	}391  392  
  6. MODPATH/orm/classes/Kohana/ORM.php [ 254 ] » Kohana_ORM->_initialize ( )

    249 	 *250 	 * @param   mixed $id Parameter for find or object to load251 	 */252 	public function __construct($id = NULL)253 	{254 		$this->_initialize();255  256 		if ($id !== NULL)257 		{258 			if (is_array($id))259 			{260  
  7. MODPATH/orm/classes/Kohana/ORM.php [ 46 ] » Kohana_ORM->__construct ( arguments )

    0 2039
    41 	public static function factory($model, $id = NULL)42 	{43 		// Set class name44 		$model = 'Model_'.$model;45  46 		return new $model($id);47 	}48  49 	/**50 	 * "Has one" relationships51 	 * @var array52  53 
  8. APPPATH/classes/Controller/Classifieds.php [ 23 ] » Kohana_ORM::factory ( arguments )

    0 Classified
    1 2039
    18 	 * Просмотр объявления19 	 */20 	public function action_view()21 	{22 		/** @var Model_Classified $classified */23 		$classified = ORM::factory('Classified', $this->request->param('id'))->with('images');24  25 		if ( ! $classified->loaded()) throw new HTTP_Exception_404;26  27 		if ($classified->city != $this->city->code) HTTP::redirect($classified->city->code . '/classifieds/' . $classified->id);28  29  
  9. SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 84 ] » Controller_Classifieds->action_view ( )

    79 				array(':uri' => $this->request->uri())80 			)->request($this->request);81 		}82  83 		// Execute the action itself84 		$this->{$action}();85  86 		// Execute the "after action" method87 		$this->after();88  89 		// Return the response90  
  10. {PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute ( )

  11. SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 97 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke ( arguments )

    object(Controller_Classifieds)#47 (6) {
      ["template"] => object(View)#307 (2) {
        ["_file":protected] => string(70) "/var/home/adminpublic_html/application/views/layout.php"
        ["_data":protected] => array(1) {
          ["head_include"] => NULL
      ["city"] => object(stdClass)#159 (32) {
        ["id"] => int(32)
        ["name"] => string(12) "Москва"
        ["code"] => string(6) "moscow"
        ["geo_id"] => string(16) "4504024829132800"
        ["country_code"] => string(2) "ru"
        ["language"] => string(2) "ru"
        ["transport_routes_count"] => int(2879)
        ["timezone"] => string(13) "Europe/Moscow"
        ["actual_extent"] => string(228) "POLYGON((36.758963 56.091685,36.744036 56.062079,36.804483 55.12359,36.814587 55.104013,38.225024 55.121151,38.235455 55.144417,38.22053 56.089883,38.205281 56.109465,38.171797 56.120577,36.836379 56.107158,36.758963 56.091685))"
        ["road_extent"] => string(228) "POLYGON((36.758963 56.091685,36.744036 56.062079,36.804483 55.12359,36.814587 55.104013,38.225024 55.121151,38.235455 55.144417,38.22053 56.089883,38.205281 56.109465,38.171797 56.120577,36.836379 56.107158,36.758963 56.091685))"
        ["geoscount"] => int(649408)
        ["firmscount"] => int(192844)
        ["filialscount"] => int(305103)
        ["rubricscount"] => int(1252)
        ["centroid"] => string(25) "POINT(37.62017 55.753466)"
        ["settlements"] => array(34) {
          [0] => string(16) "Балашиха"
          [1] => string(24) "Долгопрудный"
          [2] => string(20) "Домодедово"
          [3] => string(14) "Фрязино"
          [4] => string(10) "Химки"
          [5] => string(20) "Ивантеевка"
          [6] => string(22) "Красногорск"
          [7] => string(16) "Одинцово"
          [8] => string(16) "Подольск"
          [9] => string(14) "Пушкино"
          [10] => string(12) "Реутов"
          [11] => string(14) "Щёлково"
          [12] => string(12) "Видное"
          [13] => string(18) "Жуковский"
          [14] => string(18) "Лыткарино"
          [15] => string(10) "Лобня"
          [16] => string(12) "Мытищи"
          [17] => string(14) "Королёв"
          [18] => string(18) "Раменское"
          [19] => string(28) "Краснознаменск"
          [20] => string(16) "Климовск"
          [21] => string(14) "Дедовск"
          [22] => string(18) "Апрелевка"
          [23] => string(22) "Электроугли"
          [24] => string(22) "Дзержинский"
          [25] => string(14) "Люберцы"
          [26] => string(20) "Котельники"
          [27] => string(26) "Красноармейск"
          [28] => string(33) "Лосино-Петровский"
          [29] => string(10) "Истра"
          [30] => string(27) "Старая Купавна"
          [31] => string(16) "Голицыно"
          [32] => string(20) "Звенигород"
          [33] => string(10) "Чехов"
        ["traffic"] => bool(true)
        ["transport"] => bool(true)
        ["flamp"] => bool(true)
        ["zoomlevel"] => string(2) "11"
        ["min_zoomlevel"] => string(1) "9"
        ["max_zoomlevel"] => string(2) "18"
        ["grammatical_cases"] => object(stdClass)#160 (3) {
          ["genitive"] => string(12) "Москвы"
          ["prepositional"] => string(12) "Москве"
          ["accusative"] => string(12) "Москву"
        ["routing"] => bool(true)
        ["dailyImportAds"] => bool(true)
        ["metro"] => bool(true)
        ["is_3d"] => bool(true)
        ["has_net_booklet"] => bool(true)
        ["seo"] => object(stdClass)#161 (2) {
          ["title"] => string(53) "Москвы и близлежащих городов"
          ["description"] => string(118) "Москвы, Чехова, Домодедово, Подольска, Видного, Жуковского, Химок"
        ["timezone_as_offset"] => int(180)
        ["lon"] => string(8) "37.62017"
        ["lat"] => string(9) "55.753466"
      ["auto_render"] => bool(true)
      ["_devel_auth":protected] => object(Auth_File)#306 (3) {
        ["_users":protected] => array(1) {
          ["devel"] => string(64) "fab51a3e0a5907bd4f90d0e0c4797f24cf77a8f8ae03eb96b771ce2b261f0096"
        ["_session":protected] => object(Session_Native)#305 (5) {
          ["_name":protected] => string(7) "session"
          ["_lifetime":protected] => int(0)
          ["_encrypted":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_data":protected] => &array(2) {
            ["last_active"] => int(1431752536)
            ["security_token"] => string(40) "fa41c709df685fd3bb5190c6fa0aecd404839608"
          ["_destroyed":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_config":protected] => array(7) {
          ["driver"] => string(4) "file"
          ["hash_method"] => string(6) "sha256"
          ["hash_key"] => string(10) "eqi87mup9q"
          ["lifetime"] => int(3600)
          ["session_type"] => string(6) "native"
          ["session_key"] => string(10) "auth_devel"
          ["users"] => array(1) {
            ["devel"] => string(64) "fab51a3e0a5907bd4f90d0e0c4797f24cf77a8f8ae03eb96b771ce2b261f0096"
      ["request"] => object(Request)#41 (19) {
        ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
        ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
        ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.0"
        ["_secure":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
        ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#25 (5) {
          ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
          ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "<city>/classifieds/<id>"
          ["_regex":protected] => array(2) {
            ["city"] => string(8) "[-_a-z]+"
            ["id"] => string(3) "\d+"
          ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
            ["controller"] => string(11) "classifieds"
            ["action"] => string(4) "view"
          ["_route_regex":protected] => string(48) "#^(?P<city>[-_a-z]+)/classifieds/(?P<id>\d+)$#uD"
        ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#42 (5) {
          ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
        ["_body":protected] => NULL
        ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
        ["_controller":protected] => string(11) "Classifieds"
        ["_action":protected] => string(4) "view"
        ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "moscow/classifieds/2039"
        ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_params":protected] => array(2) {
          ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
          ["id"] => string(4) "2039"
        ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_cookies":protected] => array(3) {
          ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
          ["classifieds_view"] => string(4) "list"
          ["session"] => NULL
        ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#43 (9) {
          ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
          ["_cache":protected] => NULL
          ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
          ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
            [0] => string(13) "Authorization"
          ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
          ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
            ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
          ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
          ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
          ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
      ["response"] => object(Response)#44 (5) {
        ["_status":protected] => int(200)
        ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#45 (5) {
          ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
          ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
          ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
        ["_body":protected] => string(0) ""
        ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_protocol":protected] => NULL
     92   93 			// Create a new instance of the controller 94 			$controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 95   96 			// Run the controller's execute() method 97 			$response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 98   99 			if ( ! $response instanceof Response)100 			{101 				// Controller failed to return a Response.102 				throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');103  
  12. SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request ( arguments )

    object(Request)#41 (19) {
      ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
      ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
      ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.0"
      ["_secure":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
      ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#25 (5) {
        ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "<city>/classifieds/<id>"
        ["_regex":protected] => array(2) {
          ["city"] => string(8) "[-_a-z]+"
          ["id"] => string(3) "\d+"
        ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(11) "classifieds"
          ["action"] => string(4) "view"
        ["_route_regex":protected] => string(48) "#^(?P<city>[-_a-z]+)/classifieds/(?P<id>\d+)$#uD"
      ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#42 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => NULL
      ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_controller":protected] => string(11) "Classifieds"
      ["_action":protected] => string(4) "view"
      ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "moscow/classifieds/2039"
      ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_params":protected] => array(2) {
        ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
        ["id"] => string(4) "2039"
      ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(3) {
        ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
        ["classifieds_view"] => string(4) "list"
        ["session"] => NULL
      ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#43 (9) {
        ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
        ["_cache":protected] => NULL
        ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
          [0] => string(13) "Authorization"
        ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
        ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
          ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
        ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
        ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
    object(Response)#44 (5) {
      ["_status":protected] => int(200)
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#45 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_protocol":protected] => NULL
    109 		$orig_response = $response = Response::factory();110  111 		if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache)112 			return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response);113  114 		$response = $this->execute_request($request, $response);115  116 		// Execute response callbacks117 		foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback)118 		{119 			if ($response->headers($header))120  
  13. SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 990 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute ( arguments )

    object(Request)#41 (19) {
      ["_requested_with":protected] => NULL
      ["_method":protected] => string(3) "GET"
      ["_protocol":protected] => string(8) "HTTP/1.0"
      ["_secure":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_referrer":protected] => NULL
      ["_route":protected] => object(Route)#25 (5) {
        ["_filters":protected] => array(0) {
        ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "<city>/classifieds/<id>"
        ["_regex":protected] => array(2) {
          ["city"] => string(8) "[-_a-z]+"
          ["id"] => string(3) "\d+"
        ["_defaults":protected] => array(2) {
          ["controller"] => string(11) "classifieds"
          ["action"] => string(4) "view"
        ["_route_regex":protected] => string(48) "#^(?P<city>[-_a-z]+)/classifieds/(?P<id>\d+)$#uD"
      ["_routes":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_header":protected] => object(HTTP_Header)#42 (5) {
        ["_accept_content":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_charset":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_encoding":protected] => NULL
        ["_accept_language":protected] => NULL
        ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(0) {
      ["_body":protected] => NULL
      ["_directory":protected] => string(0) ""
      ["_controller":protected] => string(11) "Classifieds"
      ["_action":protected] => string(4) "view"
      ["_uri":protected] => string(23) "moscow/classifieds/2039"
      ["_external":protected] => bool(false)
      ["_params":protected] => array(2) {
        ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
        ["id"] => string(4) "2039"
      ["_get":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_post":protected] => array(0) {
      ["_cookies":protected] => array(3) {
        ["city"] => string(6) "moscow"
        ["classifieds_view"] => string(4) "list"
        ["session"] => NULL
      ["_client":protected] => object(Request_Client_Internal)#43 (9) {
        ["_previous_environment":protected] => NULL
        ["_cache":protected] => NULL
        ["_follow":protected] => bool(false)
        ["_follow_headers":protected] => array(1) {
          [0] => string(13) "Authorization"
        ["_strict_redirect":protected] => bool(true)
        ["_header_callbacks":protected] => array(1) {
          ["Location"] => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
        ["_max_callback_depth":protected] => int(5)
        ["_callback_depth":protected] => int(1)
        ["_callback_params":protected] => array(0) {
    985 			throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', array(986 				':uri' => $this->_uri,987 			));988 		}989  990 		return $this->_client->execute($this);991 	}992  993 	/**994 	 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received.995 	 * Can be used to test for sub requests.996  997 
  14. DOCROOT/index.php [ 118 ] » Kohana_Request->execute ( )

    113 	/**114 	 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'].115 	 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected.116 	 */117 	echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE)118 		->execute()119 		->send_headers(TRUE)120 		->body();121 }122